Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Liberal Texas

Texas seems to be its own government. Texas is so independent and it has such different laws as compared to other states. Texas government places a heavy emphasis on what the governor thinks is best. A large part of the governor’s decisions rely on who contributes to his campaign. In the end, Texas will always be run by the people, but the people that contribute the most will always have the largest influence on public policy.

I think Texas is a very strong Republican state. I believe the Democrats have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to controlling Texas. Since Texas became a Republican state, it has lived up to its expectation about what people think about it. When people think about Texas they think of us as ranch owners, cattle drivers and gun supporters. Texas is more liberal and has a very tough exterior. Texans have a very prideful attitude and that’s what makes it a great Republican state. Texas has many city governments that are extensions of the state government. Before a major issue reaches the Supreme Court it has to go through a county government. I believe this helps Texas get things done in a quick and efficient way.

The state’s government is divided and set up to mimic the national government by having a House of Representatives and a Senate. These two entities create a perfect balance of checks and balances. Texas tries to take care of its problems before they reach the federal level. Even though Texas needs the federal government, it looks like it would do well on its own.

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