Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Next Lieutenant Governor

I decided to write about the NRA endorsing Dan Patrick because it struck a great interest in me. I feel that this issue will be very important when elections comes around. At this time, the NRA (National Rifle Association) has decided to support Senator Dan Patrick in the upcoming election because he is fighting for  us, Texans, to keep our 2nd amendment right Texas. As it states in the “Texas Insider,” “Senator Dan Patrick was an unwavering supporter of vital pro-self-defense and pro-freedom measures.” To me that means we will have a supporter fighting for something that has always been part of Texas heritage and keeping it alive is very important to me as an advocate for gun rights. The NRA is endorsing Senator Dan Patrick for the Lieutenant Governor position so that he can continue to support and protect our constitutional privilege. This article will help everyone learn about the NRA and how it stands for giving us the right to protect ourselves.

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